The Best Safety & Security Company in Bali, Indonesia. Providing real safety & security officers up to managers with real training in coordination with VIP Protection Unit of Indonesian Army in Bali, real close personal protection (armed and unarmed), real investigation with reliable result even to be brought as evidences in court of law, and many other services... Initiated and founded by an experienced safety & security professional with track record in: Indonesian Anti Piracy Program in coordination with Indonesian Police Head Quarters,. Investigator for a money transferring, guarding, security system and equipment company from Australia in Jakarta. Restore, renovate and developing safety & security system for an American based battery factory in Jakarta. Setting up safety and security system for 5 stars and diamond stars Hotels and Resort in Bali. The only safety & security person in Indonesia appointed by National Counter Terrorism Agency (NCTA) of Indonesia assisting in doing the training for Security Directors and Managers of Indonesian government institutions and companies as the main trainer. Connected with a worldwide travel security company and listed as the trustworthy partners in dealing with anything related with their members safety & security in Indonesia, specifically Bali area. Appointed by Bali Hotel Association (BHA) to assist them in doing the rapid assessment for all their members. Speaker for seminars and workshop in Safety & Security field.