Education is not all about studying and getting good marks. It is really a means to discover new things which we don't know about and increase our knowledge. Study Caffee is an organization where our main motive will be the holistic development of the child with strong analytical skills, people skills, foresight and creativity.We want to develop an all-round personality of the students and ensuring that he or she may acquire wide vision and horizon in every sphere of life. Study Caffee Core Values describe our culture, behaviors that we believe are critical to achieving our mission. Study Caffee plays a leadership role in higher education, through its technological investment, advanced learning methodologies. We continue to search for opportunities to expand in the educational landscape. We aim to be the company that our customers think of first, that current and prospective employees see as a rewarding place to work and that investors are happy to own. Every tutoring session will combine best-in-class academic support with a unique diagnostic moment. Tutoring has become a trend among students and working professionals alike, with the help of the Study Caffee students will experience a new way of studying that is fun yet effective.