公司简介CUITIMATE Racing成立于2017年,现已发展成为中国顶尖赛车电竞运营服务商,业务包括:1."CUITIMATE赛车工作室"—— 专业赛车模拟体验馆(北京,上海,广州)2."SRFC模拟赛车世界"——中国最早&最大的模拟赛车网站 (超过15万注册用户)3.赛车模拟器一站式软硬件服务(客户包括保时捷、宝马、法拉利)4.赛车电竞赛事运营及推广5.中国顶尖赛车电竞解说及选手经纪6.自有及合作媒体矩阵 (媒体触达超过2000万人)"让每个人都能感受赛车运动的乐趣"是我们的愿景,我们始终致力于降低赛车体验的门槛,打破年龄、地域、消费能力的局限,通过模拟赛车体验及举办赛车电竞赛事,让更多人可以体验到赛车运动的魅力。Company IntroductionCUITIMATE Racing, founded in 2017, is China's leading racing eSports operator and promoter. CUITIMATE Racing's business including: 1. CUITIMATE Studio —— Professional sim-racing experience centre (Beijing, Shanghai, Guangzhou)2. ——China's first & largest sim-racing website (158,000+ registered users)3. Racing simulator one-stop solution (clients including Porsche, BMW, Ferrari)4. Racing eSports series operation and promotion5.Talent managment: exclusive contract with China's top racing eSports commentators & drivers6. Self-owned and partnership media pool (Over 20 million media reach)Making racing experience accessible to everyone is our vision. We are always committed to lower the barriers to racing experience. We are trying to create more opportunities for people to experience the fun of racing via eSport racing and eliminate racing's age, regions and budget constraints.