Pattern Production was founded in 2002 by our Director Siu Ming. Pattern is a Hong Kong Based production house of props production & design, with great experience in visual merchandising, logistics and punctual delivery, Also specializing in event production, large scale decoration, window display, flower arrangement, mall décor, installation, brand development service and more.Over the past 19 years Pattern Production has developed a strong reputation of professional and reliable partner and delivering high qualities of services. As a result, we have developed a massive client base with very positive recognition to our professions.Pattern Production Headquarter is located in KwunTong of Hong Kong .We have project teams and design teams cooperating on different projects. And we are well known for paying attentions to details and producing high quality props for window displays and premium shopping malls when comes to working with many different world known luxurious brands. Pattern Production also have done many charity work to support the local community by providing uncharged services and props production as well.Pattern Production is known for it creative excellence, offers a wide range of tailor-made services designated specifically for brands to achieve maximum success. A multi – talented company that could go beyond pure production, and also taking on the take to further developing Hong Kong art culture.