What Touchstone Can Do For Your BusinessTouchStone is built to solve small business's biggest problems. If you're looking for smarter ways to organize your existing processes, ways to scale as you grow or simply get your employees to do what they need to do, the powerful Touchstone system can help. OrganizeNever misplace or lose your documented processes and training's ever again. Improve usability and accessibility with a holistic process hierarchy that drills down to specific work plans and tasks, checklists, documents, video and audio training. Processes then link to positions on your organizational chart, creating dynamic job descriptions and operating manuals for every position on your org chartDocumentOutline and create processes with easy to use templates. Access best business practices from our libraries of processes.ManageManage employees with documented processes. Improve employee performance and accountability with Management Review. Ensure tasks, checklists and documents are completed. Run reports, review process notes and focus on innovation and performance.ImplementTrain and your employees and maintain consistent, efficient work results using documented processes. Processes are accessed and used in Control Panels and Reports. Ensure process compliance and enforce policies.Take TouchStone for a TEST Drive SIGN UP FOR A FREE 30 DAY Trail www.businessdesigncorp.com/try-it-for-free