General Member - Editorial Staff at Melbourne Journal of International Law - Melbourne, VIC, AU
Now in its third decade of publication, the Melbourne Journal of International Law ('MJIL') publishes articles, case notes, commentaries, think pieces and book reviews by international law scholars and practitioners from both Australia and overseas on a range of international law issues, particularly those affecting the Asia-Pacific region. All MJIL pieces pass through a double-blind peer-review process. As a generalist international law, the Journal's coverage extends beyond public international law to articles addressing private international law, the intersection of international law with domestic law, global governance, and associated areas of transnational law. MJIL also considers publishing interdisciplinary work which substantially contributes to international legal scholarship. MJIL publishes two issues per annual volume.MJIL is edited and managed by an Editorial Board of more than 70 law students overseen by three Editors. All members of MJIL's Editorial Board are law students at the University of Melbourne. The work of the Editorial Board is assisted by an Advisory Board comprised of academics and legal practitioners with a strong interest in international legal developments and an Honorary Advisory Board composed of scholars and practitioners who have made an outstanding contribution to international law.MJIL currently enjoys a wide readership that includes students, government and corporate solicitors and academics. MJIL is distributed worldwide to over 150 libraries, universities, law firms and corporations.