Yulia Allawi

at Saracen Ventures - Rochdale, England, United Kingdom

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Saracen Ventures
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Saracen Ventures

Rochdale, England, United Kingdom • 5 Employees

Saracen Ventures is a UK registered private research and consultancy company, focusing on selected groups looking to explore potential avenues into the Middle East, specifically Iraq. The company was set up in 2011, but calls on significant experience of project research and risk assessment in the Middle East on a broad base of sectors including Construction, Energy, Power, Water, Agriculture, Telecommunications and Transportation. In 2011, some keystone projects have included a feasibility assessment of a cement plant in the western region of Iraq, a series of power-plant installations in Iraq and a freshwater supply system for general use in several countries throughout the Middle East.As a private research company, Saracen Ventures does not act in any capacity as investment advisers, custodians or third party brokers. Our research is conducted primarily for personal, in-house use. However, depending on the nature of the specific opportunity, Saracen Ventures may assist groups in conducting an assessment of whether certain infrastructure projects are viable.

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Yulia Allawi's email address is ***@saracenventures.com. To view Yulia Allawi's full email address, please signup to ConnectPlex.
Yulia Allawi works in the Research industry.
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