Head of Global Purchasing Team at Unilia Fuel Cells Inc. 韵量燃料电池有限公司 - , Shang Hai Shi, China
Founded in 2017, Unilia is a market-facing international hydrogen fuel cell stack and MEA engineering and manufacturing company, with R&D operations located in Vancouver and Shanghai, and production facilities in Foshan.Unilia's core competencies in electrochemical engineering, stack design, and at-scale production are led by a team of domain experts, all of whom are industry veterans. Built from the ground up, Unilia is a synergy of East and West embodying the agility and passion of a start-up with the resources and capabilities of a seasoned industry contributor. Our industry-leading stack and MEA products are helping to create sustainable value for our customers, industry and the environment.韵量燃料电池有限公司成立于2017年,主要从事燃料电池电堆及膜电极的研发及制造, 目前在温哥华、上海设有研发中心, 在佛山设有制造中心,是一家全球化的燃料电池电堆企业。韵量汇聚了电堆及膜电极研发和制造领域的资深电化学工程师、电堆设计和制造专家。过去四年, 我们以市场应用为导向开发产品, 并初步具备产品研发、工艺开发和规模化制造为一体的核心能力。韵量融合了中西方的文化与智慧,兼具初创企业的敏捷激情和成熟企业的经验与实力。韵量不断致力于通过行业领先的燃料电池电堆及膜电极产品,为客户、行业及社会创造价值。