Establishing a Technology center of Excellence in Beijing China engaged in the design and development of renewable energy via biomass, bio fuels and solar thermal systems. Core power is produced through Cyclone Power Technologies Co. development engines. Primarily the WHE (Waste Heat Engine) and revolutionary Mark V. These are Rankine Cycle reciprocating engines using external combustion. Highly efficient with outstanding power to dispacement ratios.The goal is to provide alternative power systems from 15kW at the consumer level up to 1MW units that can be used for industrial applications as well as a complete flexible power grid of any size. Inclusive in our technologies are the research and development of the external combustion systems and/or solar thermal systems (in the 600 degree F range) along with a wide variety of fuel sources currently under development worldwide. The Mark V can burn fuels at temperatures just below the level of creating NOX but completely consuming all fuels with minimal CO2 emissions.