Developments Workers Platform "Metamo".First, we will freely distribute "Metamo Card", which are ID cards that use a non-contact IC chip and QR codes. We also have a smartphone application that comes into play with this. Personnel evaluations that conventionally were only retained by superiors and personnel departments are now able to be personally managed and carried with you.Second, we have "Metamo Sphere", which can record any skills no matter how detailed, including performance relating to one's job or schoolwork. It is to put it frankly, is a "Next Generation Resume that projects one's skill set and characteristics in an easy-to-understand manner." Its methods of use and display are also groundbreaking, and its convenience is sure to immediately catch people's attention, much like the status screen of a game character. Another feature is its close coordination with IoT, where details of one's duties during work which are estimated based on data obtained from all sorts of servers as well as "evidence-based data" which consists of position information serve as evidence of one's service record.