The Blu Hope campaign came about because of the COVID-19 pandemic!Following the exposé that the UK and other developed countries were illegally exporting plastic waste to Malaysia, the British High Commission – Kuala Lumpur (BHC-KL) took steps to have the British plastic waste repatriated and initiated its Green is GREAT Plastics campaign. The UK and Malaysian Governments have been working closely to help educate the public about plastic pollution and encourage business and industry to develop a plastic circular economy. Our first event was the joint hosting of the VVIP Malaysian Premiere of Blue Planet II and Green is GREAT Exhibition attended by HRHs Prince Edward, Earl of Wessex, Tengku Zatashah and Malaysian Minister of the Environment Yeo Bee Yin. The second event was the Commonwealth Clean Oceans Alliance Showcase at the Commonwealth Observance Day in conjunction with the Royal Commonwealth Society. The third event was going to be a celebration of HM Queen Elizabeth II's official birthday on World Oceans Day. However, the COVID-19 pandemic meant Queen's Birthday Parties were cancelled and the idea was born to take the Green is GREAT Plastics campaign digital.