Quantara Asset Management is an Australian-based boutique investment management and consultancy business. Our investment philosophy is different to traditional investment managers because it is largely mechanical and unemotional. We don't try to guess what the market will do - rather we use quantitative investing techniques to let the market tell us what to buy, when to buy and when to sell. This unique approach is what we call "Quantamental" – combining our proprietary Quantitative and Fundamental analysis techniques with Technical analysis.Quantara delivers 2 services on a GENERAL ADVISORY BASIS only:1) We provide bespoke investment consultancy services to investors and financial planning businesses or boutique fund managers2) We provide a "done-for-you" managed investment solution which applies our investment philosophy through the Quantara Pan Pacific Equities Investment Fund. The Fund is an actively-managed investment account service for investors wanting capital growth over a minimum time frame of 5 years. It can invest in Australian and US-listed shares and exchange traded funds. As a long-only Fund, our mandate also allows us to invest in contra-ETFs as required to take advantage of bearish market conditions.To find out more about our business and how we can help you, get in touch with us at info@quantara.com.au or visit our website.DISCLAIMER: All information on this site is general advice and may not be suitable for your circumstances. Please consider if this is right for you before investing, and preferably, consult a financial adviser to provide you with personal advice before making any investment decisions. Past performance is not a guarantee of future results. Quantara Asset Management Pty Ltd ABN 97 658 495 026 is a Corporate Authorised Representative (No 1296553) of Centra Wealth Pty Ltd ABN 39 158 802 450 (AFSL No 422704).