Kroub, Silbersher & Kolmykov PLLC (KSK IP Law) is a high-end intellectual property boutique focused on providing premier litigation services at flat, predictable rates. Formed in 2013 by three seasoned patent litigation attorneys, the firm's singular mission is to provide premiere legal services. Having practiced in big law firms for several years, the members of KSK IP Law know what is required to attain results within a patent litigation, yet, they also learned that big-firm rates and big-firm teams did not appeal to every type of client.Clients within the patent-space—including inventors, accused infringers, patent-assertion entities, investors, among others—each have different goals, but typically share similar hopes from their law firm. They want efficient results, lean, nimble teams where each member adds value, responsiveness from their attorneys, and advice that serves not only their immediate legal needs, but their larger business goals. They also want competitive fees that are predictable through the tenure of a case. KSK IP Law was founded with the purpose of being a law firm that does all that.