A unique managed services company founded to customize and deliver Enterprise-Class Solutions and Concierge Client Services to companies of all sizes. Mithril shapes the services to your business, and not the other way around! Mithril ensures that cost effective practical technology infrastructure and services are properly aligned with your unique business culture and strategy. We provide strategic consulting on current and future technology use, supplement existing staff, or provide a complete IT resource solution as needed. The Mithril Cloud White Glove IT Concierge Service is for those individuals who live in a high tech world with all of its' benefits but do not want or need to be personally involved in all of its' constant changes. At home, work, or abroad let us navigate the tech. Clients include companies in finance services, healthcare, manufacturing, and professional services including several IT companies, companies with basic support needs, multi-location organizations with complex needs, companies with or without existing technical staff, and high net worth individuals! Our IT Concierge Services are customized for individuals who prefer not to rely on family or their officer IT staff.Let Mithril handle IT so you can focus on business.