Attitudes change before behaviors do. That’s why we track consumers’ needs, wants, hopes, fears, and intentions at unprecedented speed and scale. Learn how by answering the polls that fuel our research: "CivicScience data is not only predictive, more importantly, it's actionable." - Mark Cuban CivicScience is a privacy-centric consumer analytics platform that translates real-time, consumer insights into market-changing business intelligence. In simple terms: We power the world’s opinions and quickly deliver that data to the decision-makers who care. But, how? We poll millions of (unpaid) Americans each week with questions related to thousands of topics, enabling people from all walks of life to be heard and informed. We then use our powerful technology – the InsightStore™ – to analyze those opinions, discover market and cultural trends before they grow, and accurately predict future consumer behavior and market outcomes. It’s consumer intelligence like you’ve never seen before – which is why thousands of marketers and market research professionals across all verticals trust us to answer their most pressing questions. But enough about us – how can we help you? #MarketResearch, #ConsumerInsights, #DataDrivenMarketing, #ConsumerMarketing, #MarketingSolution #ConsumerIntelligence