Honey from Altai well known as healing & healthy, very appreciated by gourmets around the world. In Altai beekeeping are known from ancient times. People have long gathered here honey, which served as both a medicine and a delicacy, and a great way to stave off hunger . The Altai is rich in various natural systems, which optimally combines the abundant flowering of melliferous plants and favorable weather conditions. The territory of Altai was not subject to industrial pollution, and most of the ecosystems were left in pristine look. Beekeepers Altai stick to the old technology. Most of the apiaries uses exclusively local zoned Central Russian breed of bees. This breed is best adapted to the site conditions, type of harvest and the composition of processed nectar. Here you you may find latest prices for motley grass(multi flower) honey , buckwheat honey , propolis , Royal jelly , beewax.