Zafar Hussain

Journey Management Coordinator at Automated Environmental Technologies-Dammam - Dammam, Eastern Province, Saudi Arabia

Zafar Hussain's Contact Details
Saudi Arabia
Automated Environmental Technologies-Dammam
Zafar Hussain's Company Details
Automated Environmental Technologies-Dammam logo, Automated Environmental Technologies-Dammam contact details

Automated Environmental Technologies-Dammam

Dammam, Eastern Province, Saudi Arabia • 24 Employees

Automated Environmental Technologies being established to provide Engineering, Electrical, Instrumentation, Automation, HMI, SCADA, VFD & Control panels Development and Maintenance, Electro-Mechanical and Integration Services The Company is made up of teams of project Engineers, Programmers and designers who are capable of Implementing a full range of engineering solutions form single loop control to the installation and programming of state of the art distributed control systems.Our personnel are capable of full project and fiscal management and can oversee the installation of equipment to full on site commissioning. We can provide both on and off site design/programming for both instrument and electrical systems. Documentation and full training on the completed systems is also available form professionally qualified experts , for technical staff,We are proud of our reputation for putting the client to first in every area of our operations, and giving them what they asked for. We feel that this attitude is one of the most important contributors to our success and to the success of the clients we serve.

Details about Automated Environmental Technologies-Dammam
Frequently Asked Questions about Zafar Hussain
Zafar Hussain currently works for Automated Environmental Technologies-Dammam.
Zafar Hussain's role at Automated Environmental Technologies-Dammam is Journey Management Coordinator.
Zafar Hussain's email address is *** To view Zafar Hussain's full email address, please signup to ConnectPlex.
Zafar Hussain works in the Retail industry.
Zafar Hussain's colleagues at Automated Environmental Technologies-Dammam are Jagateesan K, Faiz Uddin, Adnan Mohammad, Zaheer Asghar, Farazul Safvi, Sajjad Faiz and others.
Zafar Hussain's phone number is +966543780499
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