Executive Director - Strategic Consulting & International Relations at Spatial Vision - Melbourne, Victoria, AU
Spatial Vision is a leading specialist in information and spatial technologies. Integrating geographic and organisational data, we provide business systems, advanced spatial analyses, reliable planning systems and practical mapping applications to address some of the country's most pressing environmental, economic and resource issues.\\Our solutions support the effective management of natural resources, like land, water, flora and fauna, forests and fisheries, as well as built assets and infrastructure. They also assist in the planning and delivery of a wide range of government and private sector services, including emergency planning and response, education, health and community services.\\The company and staff of Spatial Vision are highly regarded as innovators. Combining the latest tools and techniques with years of innovation and experience, the company has implemented some of Australia's landmark spatial technology projects. Many of our clients' projects have received state and national awards in recognition of their best practice solutions.\\Established in early 1999, Spatial Vision has grown into one of Australia's leading Spatial Information (SI) companies with significant experience in delivering tailored solutions for organisations throughout Australia.