interpreter - translator at King Abdullah II Special Operations Training Center - KASOTC - Gaza, , Palestinian Territory Occupied
The King Abdullah II Special Operations Training Center (KASOTC) is located in Amman, Jordan and is a one-of-a-kind facility. It's unique nature derives from an extraordinary combination of cutting-edge training, elite instructor and support staff and it's integrated advanced technology. This translates into the best reality-based training on the globe for special operations forces, counter-terrorism units, law enforcement and others.The 25 square kilometer site consist of over 200 million dollars worth of cutting-edge training facilities and support structures. This includes an Airbus 300, 56 live and simulated fire structures, multiple shooting ranges, a breaching complex, driving track, 5-story live-fire CQB shoot house and a range operations control center. Tie it all together with simulated battlefield effects, on-site lodging, dining and a number of other support facilities and you begin to see why KASOTC is the ideal place to train.