Your bespoke consultancy for luxury & hospitality branding and marketing solutions.We provide prodigious marketing solutions to premium and luxury companies, hotels, restaurants and spas. We are currently focused on digital marketing for our clients which include social media marketing, email broadcasting, search engine optimisation, rich media/content planning and mobile/tablet marketing.Digital marketing is a way for people to interact in an online environment through conversations, commentary, and a plethora of user-generated engagement interactions.SOCIAL MEDIA MARKETING-Analysis-Strategising-Campaign planning and content creation-Constant real-time engagement-Monitoring and ReportingSEARCH ENGINE OPTIMISATION-Keyword Research, Selection and Targeting-Technical Optimisation-Content Optimisation-Profile building-Social Media IntegrationDATABASE & EMAIL MARKETING-Database Management-Tactical Campaigns-Marketing Automation-Dynamic Content DeliveryMOBILE MARKETING-Email Marketing-Real-time Advertising-Responsive Web Design-Mobile Search-SMS/Push Notifications-Location-based ServicesSTRATEGY DEVELOPMENT-The Customer Journey-Current Activity / Performance-The Competitive Landscape-Market Segmentation-Demand Analysis-Digital Objectives-Implementation PlanPAID SEARCH-Paid Search-Re-marketing-Online/Banner Advertising-Social Media Advertising