Certified Professional Reporters & Videographers at Zahn Court Reporting - Virginia Beach, VA, US
Exclusively certified stenotype reporters. ****Realtime *Internet Stream *Roughs *Video *Videoteleconference *Online Scheduling & Repository* ***ZAHN COURT REPORTING is excited to offer you NATIONWIDE SCHEDULING with LOCAL oversight, providing you the exceptional service and attention you deserve. Through professional conferences, we continually polish our skills and build strong relationships. We know what credentials are essential to be a great reporter; those are the skills we look for when our clients need a court reporter out of town.Scheduling is easy. Fax a notice (757.625.7077), call (757.627.6554 or 800.358.7339), online at schedule@zahncourtreporting.com or through ReporterBase, our online calendar/repository - call to set up a User Name/Password; thereafter, can schedule/cancel a reporter, view your calendar of when a reporter is scheduled, view invoices, access transcripts and exhibits, and rest easy knowing our goal is to provide you with outstanding service.