Intellico Care uses innovative solutions and technological advancements to aid in resolving challenges faced in regards to health and well being.For our flagship service, we have partnered with a leading surface coating manufacturer to provide an antimicrobial surface coating that harnesses the latest in nanotechnology to permanently protect surfaces from harmful pathogens (including TGEV Coronavirus and Influenza A). This coating is non chemical, non hazardous, 100% transparent, odourless, protects against micro scratches and lasts on a surface for up to 12 months! Amongst other qualities.With this award winning product in one hand... and a team of expertly trained and professional staff in the other hand, we are well primed to bring this medical grade product (which was originally reserved for the healthcare and defence sectors) to all business sectors and individuals with our end to end service. Which includes consultation, application and aftercare.We aim to provide a more cost effective more efficient alternative to traditional methods and services (such as disinfecting and ULV fogging). This strongly resonates with our company mission to help solve global health problems through charitable activities, education and providing innovative products and solutions.