No one said it would be easy, as we would all be doing it. Block management is both simple and complex and both rewarding and completely unsatisfying at times.That's the truth, we can't and won't sugar coat it.The joy and the pain and we love what we do, yet we hate it! That's Block management. Habitare understands this. We have been leaseholders and block managers before. It's not our first rodeo.This is what we do and are pretty good at it.No two schemes are the same, that's what makes management tricky! Whilst compliance and the legalities are consistent, the building and people change. These dynamics create unique environments and make the need for management to be both flexible and adaptable as things change at the blink of an eye.We have a learnt a thing or two about this, and can offer management services to a few but not the many. One size does not fit all, and whilst working together could be a perfect marriage, we would rather avoid a messy divorce, it's painful for everyone.No more pretending, were ‘self-proclaimed Super Hero's' cleaning up the streets at night, not always a popular job, but somebody has got to do it!