Case study Place: Cairo Egypt Client: Mobile Company Executives Mission: at the beginning of October Akula Group was requested for a travel support and EP operation for some executives of a big US company. Executives needed secure transportation from and to airport and to move safety inside the capitol city. Akula Group deployed a EP team composed by two armed security drivers, two EP agents and lead from a security advisor sent from Italy. Team would move on two cars with clients to ensure safe travel and to prevent events. On the security advisor was also to manage meet & greet at airport, to recognize and choose route, to check hotel security to take decision on contingency. During client staying general situation get worst and tension rise to very high level. Small clashes between protesters and police were frequent; moving in the city, and above all to airport, could be unsafe. To avoid to get involved accidentally into a protest Akula advisor decided to use another one security agent, moving as advance party by motorbike, and constantly communicating to team leader the route situation. This solution allowed to avoid any protest or disorder, and to take decision before to be involved in any unpleasant event.