The present Advertisement mediums is having a problem that the USER ATTENTION is less for the Amount the advertisers such as Big companies, Big Brands, State and National companies with best Products and Services with huge market who have potential customers in many areas are spending lakhs and crores of money on different kind of advertisement mediums and yet failing to get customer attention which is making the Return On Investment(ROI) for these advertisers very less. At the same time Small Businesses, Local Businesses with small and restricted market area and small number of customers are not able to advertise their Products and Services because of the high and high costing of available advertising mediums killing their intent of advertising their Product and Service.Available Platforms:YOUTUBE, FACEBOOK, INSTAGRAM, TV Channels, News Papers,Mobile Apps, Hoardings, Malls etc. are charging so high per view, click, lead etc but still failing to get user attention.BECAUSEWhen it comes to user, They are clear about why they are using these mediums like for Entertainment/Learning/Relaxation/Fun/Games etc so they are not willing to watch ads and not showing attention.So here we are, with a solution to satisy and justify the price paying by these advertisers with highest ROI and make users to watch these ads willingly and as a bonus they also provide a feedback to products and services.Our Mobile app is very affordable that even a small local vendors can advertise as it is most affordable way to advertise and also big companies can advertise as it provides higher user attention and max. ROI. It also helps to get feedback from users and can also generate leads with no extra charges.