PYTHON+DJANGO+HTML +CSS +GITHUB+GITLAB+MYSQ+ MongoDB +ANGULAR + NESTJS+ React-Native was started in 2018, with the belief that Each one of us has the right to good health.With the change in lifestyle, there is a rise in non-communicable diseases like Diabetes, Obesity, Hypertension, etc., which end up degrading quality of life of the individuals.We at Fedo use AI to predict the future health risks and the associated medical costs using demographic, lifestyle and habitual information.This is presented as Fedo Score a holistic indicator of the future health risks of an individual.The Fedo score was built by medical professionals and data scientists using 250+ medical studies, 5000+ plus quality controlled and academic and research documents from all over the world and analysing over 100 million global health records and 1.5 million claims data.Over the next 20 years, at the global level, NCDs will cost more than US$ 30 trillion, representing 48% of global GDP and will push millions of people below the poverty line. and each 20% increase in NCDs is associated with a decrease of 1% of annual economic growth. Only way to tackle this issue is through an early warning signal to future diseases risk through Fedo Score