Mining and Process Solutions (MPS) bring innovative thinking and game changing technologies to the minerals industry.Alkaline glycine leaching offers a fundamental shift from traditional extraction processes, whereby base metals are leached with acids and precious metals with cyanide. Aqueous glycinate solutions at high pH can selectively leach almost any copper mineral as well as gold, while leaving most gangue minerals untouched.The process is ideally suited to low grade/high impurity concentrates, high acid consuming oxide ores, low grade primary sulphides, and secondary materials such as slags and tailings. Similar processes for nickel, cobalt, lead, zinc, tin and PGMs are under development.The leaching chemistry can be applied in heaps, agitated tanks, or continuous vat leach (CVL) equipment. Leach solutions are compatible with conventional metal recovery processes such as copper SX-EW and gold carbon adsorption. High reagent recycle rates are the key to a low overall operating cost.We offer tailored test programs at bench and pilot scale, process design and project evaluation services to realise value from deposits once thought uneconomic.MPS works closely with researchers at Curtin University's WA School of Mines to realise the commercial potential of innovative process technologies. Our premises at the Australian Mineral Research Centre enables collaboration with CSIRO and access to world class laboratory facilities.