The Jordan Media Institute, founded in 2006 by Princess Rym Ali, is a non-profit educational institution located in Amman, Jordan. The Institute offers two pillars of service, a one year practical master's program in journalism with the University of Jordan and specialized journalism training programs. The Master's Program: JMI's master's program curriculum was developed by prominent professors of journalism from Columbia University, City University of London, Ecole Superieure de Journalisme de Lille, Dartmund University, and the American University of Beirut in conjunction with members of the Jordanian academic community and media industry. The intake size is approximately 15 students each fall. Course offerings emphasize a cross-media platform training in print, online, and broadcast journalism. Mandatory courses include: reporting, writing, media law, and digital media. Specialized courses are offered in fields such as: photojournalism, business reporting, public policy, etc. The program concludes with a capstone project, where each student must demonstrate that they are able to skillfully integrate theory and practice. Specialized Training Programs: Specialized training programs and workshops provide professionals and students with the fundamentals of journalism and practical programs in a variety of areas: photojournalism, video journalism, cross-media platform, investigative journalism, "training of trainers" etc. Workshops can also be customized upon request.