Engineer at Association of Medicinal and Aromatic Plants of Greece (ΑMΑPs of Greece) - , ,
The Association of Medicinal and Aromatic Plants of Greece is a civil non-profit company founded on July 10, 2013 based in Thessaloniki. The purpose of AMAPs of Greece is to highlight and to exploit the GreekAromatic and Medicinal plants, the promotion of research, production, disposal and usage of them.\\\Objectives of AMAPs of Greece\\• Promotion of the production, marketing and distribution of aromatic and medicinal plants in Greece and abroad.\\• Contribution to the formulation of a National policy on aromatic and medicinal plants.\\• Strengthening of the team spirit, solidarity and union among the members of the Association throughout Greece by transferring the know-how and by exchanging of experiences and practices.\\• Promotion of the aroma-tourism in Greece.\\• Creation of branded – certified products, such as protected designation of origin, protected geographical status, etc.\\• Collaboration with scientific-research centers, organizations, civil services, etc, for achieving the objectives of the Association.\\• Development of Greek aromatic flora at national and international level. The promotion of the idea and the active participation in protecting native aromatic and medicinal plants from the uncontrolled and illegal collection and utilization of native genetic material in foreign countries.\\• Union under the same roof all of the productive classes involved in the cultivation, marketing and distribution of aromatic and medicinal plants.