Strata Healthcare Management is the fourth largest medical scheme administrator in South Africa. Extensive industry experience and business acumen enabled Strata to transform Medihelp medical scheme into a prime contender in the medical schemes industry reporting organic growth, product sustainability and excellent service levels. Changing its business model by separating the medical scheme from the administrative component on 1 January 2014, Strata Healthcare Management not only currently administers Medihelp with its close to 220 000 lives, but is now positioned to also offer medical schemes an integrated model in which the various layers of its expertise combine to offer clients sustainability in an unstable market. It is Strata's integrated approach to administration and managed healthcare services which ensures a seamless experience to clients who wish to offer their members quality, affordable healthcare cover and tangible value. Our client-centric approach enables medical schemes to provide their members with what they need – access to private healthcare cover when they are ill, preventive care to help them maintain their health, active engagement on various forums to ensure they're informed and enabled and excellent service – all with the assurance that risks are effectively managed in the interest of continued sustainability. We strive to exceed clients' expectations by applying business intelligence and matching research results to market trends to enhance customer experience, streamline processes, and develop innovative products and services to add value.