Comercial at Brasmarine Serviços Portuarios - Porto Alegre, State of Rio Grande do Sul, Brazil
OutserviceThe strengthening of commercial maritime activities in the last centuries brought about the need for ship owners to have a representative at each port where they operated. This representative, the maritime agent, later on became a Maritime Agency whose activity requires great responsibility, since the agency is like an extension of the shipowners arm. For good business development of importers, exporters, logistics companies, private terminals, customs agents and port operators the presence of an individual or an organization who performs the activity of a maritime agency is indispensable.Among the branches within maritime agency Brasmarine Services provides its clients with the following can be emphasized:COMMERCIAL AGENCYCommercial representation for international and national shipowners in Brazil.SHIP MANAGEMENT• Administration• Supplies• Refuelling• Crew• Planning• Repair and MaintenancePORT OPERATIONSBrasmarine develops activities of cargo reception at the ports, movement in the back area and embarking and disembarking of ships. It is registered at the port in order to be able to contract port services.CUSTOMS CLEARANCEThe company takes on the responsibility for all the documentation, formulation of statements, form filling, and all that is required for a good development of the customs process, as well as follow-up and checking processes and inspections focused on the procedure of parts for the ships served.