Director Marketing & Operations at Zenith Group - Dubai, Dubai, United Arab Emirates
The name Zenith means : "the time at which something is most powerful or successful."The purpose of Zenith Consulting is to provide a broad range of business consulting services to small and medium sized companies in Emerging Markets. Success in offering sophisticated commercial experience in this segment of the market to ensure these businesses don't fail and avoid common commercial made mistakes happen due to lack of resources.Zenith Consulting provide a expert level of cultural awareness, networking skill-set and experience in core corporate disciplines such as; strategy, corporate finance, marketing, risk management, funding and bank relationships. These core services are normally only available to larger companies who can attract and afford these scarce and expensive resources but not anymore. Our business activity segments are; Business & Communication, New Media Marketing Services and Lifestyle Consultancy Zenobia Thirion, Director of Marketing & Operations is a South African citizen who have been working and living in the UAE since July 2007. She has 12 years of cultural engagement, strong and fair work ethic, an extensive network and wealth of experience in various industries. Zenobia is responsible for the day to day running of the company, branding and marketing, social media presence and delivery of strategy services to customers.