"Willy & Choklate Entertainment Private Limited" (W&C) is all about giving what people want. The true artist is the people. "W&C" listens to people, understand what they exactly want, study the culture, rituals, equation of relatives, who is who, dynamics etc. of the people and sculpting the product with required sensitivity and sensibility. Everyone likes own photographs. There are many people who have a clear picture in their mind, how their photo should be but unable to express to the photographer, which angle the shot to be. Each of us have good looks in certain angle, "W&C" locates and capture it. Taking photographs and video without interfering in the flow of event is another "W&C" specialty. Many a times, the audience in a function end up watching the posterior of photographers, "W&C" work keeping this in mind to avoid these embarrassing situations. Locating who is who in the function requires keen observation. Mostly in a function organizers wont be having time enough to explain anybody. Capturing every guest on record is another task W&C focus. Delivering the final product early as possible to the client is a last specialty.The history of "Willy & Choklate" frames one Willy's Jeep and seven people from different parts of India. Each with different cultural and educational backgrounds. All are hard working and through their discussions and meetings, they realized much more could be done in our country in a much better way. Each had their own identity and existence but as a team they were marvelous. But to put their theories into practice sooner did they understood, a medium is needed.In midst of all these things, the platform for all of us evolved which we name "Willy & Choklate Entertainment Private Limited". The purpose of "Willy & Choklate Entertainment Private Limited" is to bring technology, contemporary art & architecture with a human touch to freeze the moment in a timeless manner. "We capture life in all its vivacity".