MİMAS CONSULTINGMimas consulting is a training and management consulting company that brings together unchanged self of human and the change itself.Our training services contain foreign trade operations,self improvement, coaching and mentoring activities. Our corporate targeted services contain PLM(Product Lifecycle Management) management consultancy, due diligence, foreign trade operations consulting, foreign trade market developments of companies and system development activities consulting for an organisation.CORPORATE SERVICES:• TRAINING CONSULTING:Product Lifecycle Management(PLM) and Industry 4.0 integrationsMentor/Mentee structures for organisationsForeign trade operations trainingsCorporate mindfulness and change trainings• MANAGEMENT CONSULTING:PLM (Product Lifecycle Management) in Industry 4.0Emerging Markets (Contacts development & networking)Strategic roadmap for foreign trade operationsMindfulness for enterprise resource planning and strategic goals harmonyOperational due diligencePERSONAL SERVICES:• SELF IMPROVEMENTPersonal mindfulness and change trainings