古人席次尚右,右为宾师之位,居西而面东。据清梁章钜 《称谓录》卷八载:" 汉明帝尊桓荣以师礼,上幸太常府,令荣坐,东面,设几。故师曰西席。"后尊称受业之师或幕友为"西席"。西席科技(Westseat Technology)是一家提供AI和IoT教育产品和服务的公司。Chinese ancients regard right as senior. Han Ming Di, one of the emperors in the Chinese Han Dynasty about 2000 years ago, in one of his meetings with his teacher Huan Rong, showed his great respect by seating him on the right, and since the emperor sat facing the south according to royal etiquette, so Huan Rong sat in the west position. Since then, Chinese ancients call teacher or master Westseat.Westseat Technology is a company aiming at providing AI and IoT educational products and services.