马上消费金融股份有限公司(简称"马上消费金融")是一家经中国银保监会批准,持有消费金融牌照的科技驱动的金融机构。马上消费金融于2015年6月正式开业,引入了重庆百货、重庆银行等国有股东,以及物美集团、阳光保险、浙江小商品城等社会化股东,形成极具活力的多元化混合所有制股东结构。公司于2016、2017、2018年分别完成三次增资扩股,注册资本金达40亿元。目前公司注册用户总数达3900万,累计放款额超1100亿元,吸纳就业人数超1500人,2017年累计纳税超10亿元。公司为重庆打造了一支创业铁军,拥有700人的研发团队和300人的大数据团队。公司被中国银监会指定为全国非银行金融机构金融科技研究牵头单位,获得人民日报头版头条报道,连续两届荣获毕马威"中国金融科技50强","2016年十大重庆经济年度创新平台"等多项殊荣,为重庆市创业创新和科技驱动氛围营造做出了巨大贡献。Mashang Consumer Finance Co., Ltd is a licensed financial institution by CBRC (China Banking Regulatory Commission). It officially opened in June, 2015, with a uniquely diverse and empowering shareholder structure that consists of SOEs such as CBEST and Bank of Chongqing, as well as civil entities like Wu-Mart, Sunshine Insurance Group and China Commodities City Group. MS has a very versatile and diverse stakeholder structure. It completed 3 rounds of expansion and financing in 2016, 2017 and 2018 in a line. The registered capital reaches 4 billion RMB. Powerful R&D capability and big-data-based decision making have enabled a fully automatic service responding mechanism, 24/7 and 365, which continue to boost inclusive and environmentally friendly financial services to all. Now MS has in total 39 million registered users, distributed accumulatively 110 billion RMB of loans and created more than 1500 jobs. In merely 2017, the company paid 1 billion RMB of tax. MS has become a powerful job-creating engine for Chongqing. Its R&D team has around 700 people; big data team, 300 people. MS is the leading organization of the research on fin-tech advancement in Chinese non-banking financial institutions and made the front-page headline on People's Daily. In the past three years, MS was honored as "Top 50 Chinese Fin-Tech Companies" by KPMG and gained the award of "Top 10 Innovation Platforms for Chongqing Economy" in 2016 among many other honors and praises. MS is making tremendous contribution to the entrepreneurship, innovation and tech-driven vibe in Chongqing.