Hell's Gate Airtram is a tourist attraction located in the scenic Fraser Canyon - 2 1/2 hours East of Vancouver on the #1 Trans Canada Hwy.We are a located owned & operated, seasonal business.Drive the Scenic Fraser Canyon with its' 7 mountain tunnels into the historic heart of British Columbia and visit the biggest ‘rush' on the Gold Rush Trail. You can see this place for yourself as you exchange mountain ranges aboard one of the only descending gondolas in North America. These aerial trams will give you a birds' eye view of this historic landmark where 200 million gallons of water per minute thunder through this 33 metre wide passage. "We had to travel where no human being should venture for surely we have encountered the gates of h*ll". – Simon Fraser, 1808. You will witness firsthand what these words really meant to this early explorer. Facilities include: Simon's Cafe, Gold Panner Gift Shop, Education Centre, Fudge Factory, Gold Panning, Observation Decks and Suspension Bridge.