Pure Live Seed, LLC is a wholesale company specializing in providing California and Nevada Native Seeds to Contractors, Environmental Co.'s, Wind and Solar Projects, Pipeline Projects, Restoration Projects, DOT's, Counties, Fish & Game, BLM, Mine Reclamation, Private Landowners etc. We provide professionally developed, data driven, science based seed specifications. Specifications are extensively researched to ensure Native Species and Seeding Rates appropriate for each individual project site location, project type, application method, goals and budget. We are experts in custom packaging and labeling. All seed is tested by an independent laboratory in accordance with A.O.S.A. Rules for Testing Seed. Seed and Labeling meets all State & Federal Laws. All seeds are source identified. Many species are State Certified.Zina and Rochelle have 50+ years of combined experience. We have a broad range of experience having worked in the Erosion Control Industry, Wildlands Native Seed Collections, Native Seed Commercial Production Farms, Large Scale Projects Contract Management, Pre and Post Site Visits, Plant ID and Educational Presentations.Pure Live Seed is one of the few remaining Independent Seed Companies specializing in Native Species covering California and Nevada. We are Passionate about our chosen profession. Pure Live Seed is a Certified Woman Owned Small Business. Sincerely,Zina Dean, CEOPure Live Seed, LLC213.447.2345zina@seedqueen.comContact Zina for Sales, Quotes, Specifications, General InformationRochelle Lumas, CFOPure Live Seed, LLC805.216.3488rochelle@pureliveseed.com