To document the misrepresented identity of Africansthrough ethical and just journalism that empowers on aglobal scale by providing quality digital services to ourBAAB Members who drive traffic from 4 continents andover 27 countries.TO ACHIEVE OUR MISSION WE HAVE DEVELOPEDA SET OF GOALS AS A GUIDE:PEOPLE: INSPIRING EACH BAAB EMPLOYEE TO BECOMEBETTER VERSIONS OF THEMSELVES BYNURTURING AND DEVELOPING REQUIRED SKILLS MINDFULLYTO INSPIRE CREATIVITYPORTFOLIO: TO DIVERSIFY OUR PORTFOLIO THROUGHMEANS OF GLOBALIZATION OF OUR ASSETS ANDINVESTMENTS THROUGHOUT THE AFRICAN CONTINENTPROFIT: MAXIMIZING LONG-TERM RETURN BY DELIVERINGDIVERSE DIGITAL SERVICES FOR INVESTORS WHILE STAYINGTRUE TO OUR CORE VALUES.PRODUCTIVITY: BEING A HIGHLY EFFECTIVE ANDACCOUNTABLE COMPANY THROUGH RELIABLE SERVICEDELIVERY.BAAB Media Group is a companyof the future. After the 2020pandemic it was shown that everycompany needs to be digital. Fromthe vast changing businessenvironment video conferencing,virtual learning and remote workingbecame keywords that would setthe tone for the next decade.Our 6 company values seek toassist brands to not get left behindand become a modern and ethicalbrand through utilizing our qualityservices.YOUTH LEADERSHIPBRAND COLLABORATIONSERVICE INTEGRITYCOMPANYACCOUNTABILTYEQUITY DIVERSITYINNOVATIVE QUALITY