With the inception of ZION Corporation Technologies, came an opportunity.An opportunity to link South East Asia with Sub-Continent and Pacificregions in an effort to bridge the gap in the supply of high end IT technologyand hardware solutions. Backed by 35 years of experience in the IT industry, ZION CorporationTech. aims to be a stalwart in the industry by providing clients with thetools to invest in, and develop their businesses. By partnering with, andeventually acquiring the distribution division of Pan Audio Private (Ltd),ZION assures nothing apart from sublime levels of service. At ZION, only the most cutting-edge products are endorsed; encompassingan extensive range of industries within the realms of Infrastructure, Security,Networking and Storage. They pride themselves on the brands andpartners they work with and empower clients to further their reach in theirrespective industries. ZION Corporation technology is aware that a product alone may not besufficient enough to sustain the full usability of any solution. Therefore,they emphasize and concentrate their efforts on not only the hardwarebut training sessions and workshops as well as specialized product fundingfor clients and partners as well to maximize the efficiency of the productsused in their businesses.