Improve IT - from Learning to ActionImprove-IT‘s goal is to integrate Methodology and Technology which contributes to Performance Improvement in organizations.Improve-IT is a leading digital learning company.Improve-IT main goal is to improve business performance in organizations.At Improve-IT, we accompany organizations and training & learning departments while focusing mainly on business results.We use tools and practices that work – innovative, technological and creative solutions based on recent methodologies.Improve-IT was founded by Ziv Gilboa, who has years of experience consulting to organizations and a deep professional understanding of various needs and solutions for organizational performance improvement.Improve-IT has a team of 8 well experienced training developers, instructors and consultants from a wide range of specializations and professions.The multi-professional team possesses abilities of Training Development, Content Resolution, E-learning Production, a Dubbing-Filming studio, and more, including Consultation and Personal Training expertise.Digital-Learning at Improve-IT:The Improve-IT Digital Learning department provides a complete Digital Learning solution fully customized to meet specific customers' needs. We provide a creative solution while using unique Interactions, Video and Animation in order to create a fascinating, challenging and effective learning environment. We develop a large number of E-Learning Software, with the many e-software generators available today, with a possible connection to any LMS system.