Whether it's the unique story-telling, the cutting-edge creativity, the winning strategy, the essential organizing or the spot-on tactics, KO gets results.Our clients expect the best, and we do what it takes to deliver the best. Helping our clients take care of their most pressing issues of the day or strategizing about their next business focus is what makes us tick. Whether it's passing legislation in state capitols or major ballot initiatives, promoting the R&D tax credit across the country, educating the public about the opioid crisis, or recruiting support from grasstops, we are here to get it done.Our team has led some of the biggest campaigns for elected officials on the national, state and local levels. We've secured funding and approvals on some of the largest waterfront developments in the Mid-Atlantic. We've helped confirm a Supreme Court nominee. Our creative work has won Emmies and Pollies. The leadership team at KO knows how to get it done and deliver the knock-out.