We are introducing the first new Quality Management process in 30 years!AWEsome-Numbers Inc. is a privately-held Canadian quality solutions company started in 2008. We help laboratories, regulatory, peer, and proficiency programs ‘upgrade' their statistical QC processes to verified Risk Management. Our mission statement is "to measurably reduce laboratory error with the new science of Risk Management by revolutionizing and standardizing the practice of clinical laboratory QC processes."Our validated software and competency programs enable the process of "Mathematically-OptimiZed Risk Evaluation™." "M.O.R.E. Quality™" enhances, not replaces, existing Statistical QC and sigma concepts. It auto-designs VERIFIED QC strategies. Risk metrics and risk graphics evaluate analytical quality and QC effectiveness as the number of Medically-Unreliable Results relative to your medical goals and acceptable risk levels.WE REDUCE PATIENT RISK.