Code Bloom is a local florist in Mt Hawthorn. We deliver flowers to Perth and suburbs Mon - Sat. Code Bloom also provides flowers on a weekly basis for businesses, or event or wedding flowers for customers.Welcoming shoppers to pick flowers from our display, and browse our gift shop while we make your bouquet. Our display of Preserved Roses can be viewed for purchase or for custom orders. Potted plants & planters are also available. Our gift shop stocks a huge range of the following products: * Glasshouse candles, diffusers, hand cremes * Salt by Hendrix candles & body products * Annabel Trends homewares & gifts * Louenhide bags & purses * Elms & King and Arlington Milnebags * Tiger Tree necklaces, earrings & rings * Zoda bags & jewellery * Fabienne jewellery Our friendly florists would love to help you with any floral or gift shop enquiries.