ZK-TERMOCHEM Ltd. is a Czech Company which has been engaged on the territory Czech Republic and West Europe since 1992.over his previous Companies like Termoelektro and Termochem . Base activity of ZK-TERMOCHEM are mechanical works on the: Reconstruction, revitalization maintains and new installation equipment, steel structure and piping on the industrial and chemical plants on territory of Czech Republic and abroad. Main point of our performance of work are demolition and installation works in a very short period unless lose of good quality. Our personal have ability to work long time in all condition. Our welders are high skillful with minimum two welding certificate according DIN norms. We have got ability to perform delivery, manufacturing, prefabrication, and installation many kind of different mechanical plants. Our main field is piping works of all materials. Due to our good relation, skilful partners and own capacity, we have also obtained engineering, designee and manufacturing different parts of boiler, vessels, pipe spools, tanks, silos, digester, different steel structure, platforms, ... We owned certification EN ISO 9001:2009 , SCC, EN ISO 3824-2, EN ISO 14001:2005, OHSAS 18001:2008, and certification for high pressure vessels and boilers.