Higher Executive Officer at Mental Health Commission IRL - Waterloo Exchange Dublin 4, N/A, ie
Who We Are and What We DoThe Commission regulates in-patient mental health services and persons providing decision-making supports and provides a Decision Support Service for persons with capacity difficulties. We ensure that all persons involuntarily detained in approved centres are independently reviewed by a Mental Health Tribunal. The Commission sets standards for high quality and goodpractices in mental health and decision support services.Mental Health TribunalsProtecting the human rights and interests of persons detained for care and treatment; specifically through ensuring the independent review of involuntary admission orders by a Mental Health Tribunal.Decision Support ServiceMaximising autonomy for all relevant persons requiring support to make decisions about their personal welfare, property and finances. Regulating individuals who are providing a range of supports to persons with capacitydifficulties.Regulatory ProcessMonitoring mental health services and the registering and inspection of approved centres in line with legal requirements. We are a responsive regulator and use data collected to take a risk-based approach.Quality ImprovementEncouraging continuous quality improvement; fostering high standards and good practices in the delivery of mental health services. Issuing guidance and developing evidence based standards to improve service delivery and service user experience.