Khana Anywhere is a collaborative story between three individuals with diverse industrial backgrounds but similar personal experiences. Through these experiences, we discovered the gap present in the market in regards to the daily meal service industry and decided to take a step in resolving these issues. We come from humble backgrounds with our CEO Abhilash growing up in a challenging socio-economic environment and CTO Jeevan running an NGO from ground -up for unprivileged orphaned children. This brain child has been a lifelong dream and in some way helps each of us believe that there is always an option. So let us change the mundanity of our everyday meals.Product description:Our product acts as a virtual link between consumers and mess service providers (MSP's) to pre book quality daily meals at affordable student prices. Additionally we provide asset management to all the MSP's subscribed with us. We work with MSP's to elevate the quality of food provided to the consumers.