Monastic; The Monastery Store Manager at ZEN MOUNTAIN MONASTERY - MOUNT TREMPER, NY, US
The Monastery is an environment uniquely conducive to spiritual practice that can help you discover how to bring your spiritual path to life in everyday activities. Whether you come for a Sunday Morning Program, a weekend retreat, or a period of residency, you'll have a chance to experience the Monastery's cloister—a dynamic spiritual community and a place to encounter your own inner silence and stillness, wisdom and compassion.We've been introducing people to meditation for almost 40 years, and our experience has shown us that meditation is beneficial not just for the monks and residents who live here, but also for people living in the world.Because we understand the challenges of meditation, we've also designed a unique meditation cushion called the Mountain Seat, designed to fit your body and made in the USA to last a lifetime. And because we want you and your clients, guests or employees to benefit from using the Mountain Seat, we're also here to answer questions and offer training in meditation. If you'd like help bringing meditation to your community, or you have an existing mindfulness or meditation program that's underused, we can help.