Government Administration - Beijing, Beijing Shi, China
4Dclass. DREAM—DESIGN—DO—DIRECT.4Dclass is providing integrated hi-tech curricular solutions to public (government-controlled) K12 educational institutions across China. Currently it services about 1000 schools of the about 300'000 institutions nation-wide; of which 60'000 middle and 30'000 high schools. The company is introducing project-based (problem-based) and inquiry-based learning (PBL) within the schools' compulsory Design & Technology courses (with an integration of sciences, technology, engineering, art/design and mathematics) or framed as maker education. Since this is a highly monopolized and centrally-controlled industry we are in an interesting relational position enabling the bridging between relevant solution-providers and the end-users. 4Dclass currently offers 3D scanners, 3D printers, laser cutters, robotics, (CAD) software packages and curricular integration of these by means of project KITs (such as a kit for a lesson plan that includes the assembly of a model car with 3D printed parts and electronics, sensors and enablers). The company co-organizes nation-wide events (conferences, competitions, etc) as well. Its team is motivated to expand its integrated services, such as via KITs, across several areas (i.e. robotics, presentation & visualization technologies, smart technologies, biomimicry, textile, bioponics, to name but a few) as well as provide these within a larger system. That stated, 4Dclass has enabled high-profile technology providers through its re-branding framework for them to gain further access within the Chinese market via education as a platform of end-user awareness, exposure and experience. These partners understand that the current Chinese pupil is the near-future consuming professional.
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