Higher Education - Cape Town, Western Cape, South Africa
AIFMRM focuses on Risk Management and Quantitative Finance. AIFMRM is part of the Faculty of Commerce at the University of Cape Town where it conducts research and delivers postgraduate education and training. The Institute was launched in January 2014 and is funded by corporate partners in the banking and insurance sectors. The Institute aims to:▪ Build capacity and deepen skills and capabilities in the financial industry;▪ Diversify the body of financial practitioners and open the fields of risk management and quantitative finance to people from a range of backgrounds;▪ Drive research, shape discussion and promote inquiry;▪ Advance scholarship and develop the next generation of African academics dedicated to rigorous, industry-specific research;▪ Develop and deliver postgraduate programmes that are relevant, intensive and effective;No similar academic institute, aimed at creating a steady and sustainable pipeline of African university graduates with a sophisticated knowledge of banking, insurance, risk management and quantitative finance, exists on the continent. AIFMRM is of the belief that capacity for situation-specific innovation in financial markets and risk management will be among the core determinants of which emerging markets graduate to mature development in the 21st century.